What You Always Wanted to Know About Assertiveness

Workshop: What You Always Wanted to Know About Assertiveness
Date: February 28, March 12 & 19, 2015
Format: 1 Saturday and 2 Thursdays (10am - 5pm)
Time: 10am - 5pm
Location: Ballyhaunis, Mayo
Mary Silke Educator: Mary Silke
Email: marytsilke@gmail.com
Tel: 090 6624937

Workshop Description:

Discovering the Book ‘Standing Up…the Art of Existing

This is an accompaniment group consisting of 3×3 hour meetings where participants will have the opportunity to integrate the new PRH publication Standing up: the art of ‘existing’ with the aim of becoming more assertive in their daily living. Beginning with their own experience and using simple exercises, participants will learn to understand what they are living, and, how they can assert themselves in more appropriate, genuine, constructive effective and open ways while respecting others. (3x3hrs =1.5days)

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