Exploring My Inner World

Workshop: Exploring My Inner World
Date: August 13 - 17, 2014
Format: 5 days (10am - 6pm daily)
Time: 10am - 6pm daily
Location: ,
Educator: Mary Silke
Email: marytsilke@gmail.com
Tel: 090 6624937

Workshop Description:

Exploring My Inner World

Develop skills in PRH self-analysis

The objective of this workshop is to help persons learn how to analyze themselves in a methodical, rigorous and effective way. Persons are introduced to a unique and efficient method for self-development.

Prerequisite: To benefit from this workshop it is necessary to have taken at least one PRH workshop, preferable, ‘Who Am I? , Discovering the Core of My Personality or Growing in Personal Solidity.

Register for Workshops
For details on how to register for a PRH Workshop
visit our PRH Workshop Registration page

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